This ancient principle of touch accumulation means that your first Massage if probably the least effective of them all! That is why the really deep power of massage still remains a well kept secret. Most people come for the odd pampering session or to fix the odd injury problem and miss out on the real benefits that massage offers.
It works because I literally do not use my hands, but instead I use the soft surfaces of my forearms. This means it is both deeper and more relaxing than conventional massage. For this reason it is called the Gentle Giant of massage.
The massage is so powerful that you will feel the benefits long after the session has finish. No more 'skin polishing', no more discomfort and no more painful or intrusive techniques. Only deep, gentle, powerful touch.........
This is massage for life, not just for the odd injury or occasional pampering, but massage to help your journey through life. Words and pictures cannot do justice to the power of this new massage - you can only understand it by feeling it!